FCC to Rule on Net Neutrality

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler sits at the helm of the agency which is tasked with regulating the industry he spent 30 years representing.  Owing to his close professional ties with the cable industry, many are concerned about his commitment to the preservation of net neutrality. Because the FCC is expected to rule  on the matter […]

Deal brings relief to Euro-zone

Relief coupled with apprehension were the emotions that dominated on Thursday following the Euro-zone agreement reached after tough negotiations that lasted into the early hours of the morning. Markets reacted favourably registering a rise of up to five per cent and stocks of French and German banks (which hold a major part of the Greek […]

With Europe Plan in Place, All Eyes Turn to Fed

On the heels of the Eurozone debt — European leaders’ decision to increase their bailout fund to €1 trillion or $1.4 trillion and encourage banks owning Greek debt to accept at 50 percent loss (“haircut”), investor attention turns to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s next move: is a stand-pat stance likely or is quantitative easing, part […]

The study that shows why Occupy Wall Street struck a nerve

The hard-right conservatives who dominate the Republican Party claim to despise the redistribution of wealth, but secretly they love it — as long as the process involves depriving the poor and middle class to benefit the rich, not the other way around. That is precisely what has been happening, as a jaw-dropping new report by […]

Sarkozy Wins China Cooperation Pledge

French President Nicolas Sarkozy conferred with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao as European policy makers seek to build support for an enlarged rescue fund designed to resolve the region’s sovereign-debt crisis. Hu hopes that the measures will help to stabilize markets, state-owned China Central Television reported. The phone call between the leaders came hours after […]

The Path Not Taken

Financial markets are cheering the deal that emerged from Brussels early Thursday morning. Indeed, relative to what could have happened — an acrimonious failure to agree on anything — the fact that European leaders agreed on something, however vague the details and however inadequate it may prove, is a positive development. But it’s worth stepping […]

Diamondback & Grand Jury Subpoena

Diamondback Hedge Fund Gets U.S. Grand Jury Subpoena Bloomberg | by: Saijel Kishan and Patricia Hurtado Diamondback Capital Management LLC, one of three hedge funds raided by the FBI last week, said it received a federal grand jury subpoena and is cooperating in a U.S. probe that it said includes research consultants. The firm, based […]

Fed’s Other Asset-Buying Effort

Don’t Forget About the Fed’s Other Asset-Buying Effort Atlantic.com | by:  Daniel Indiviglio In early November, the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) decided to begin a new program to buy $600 billion in longer-term Treasury securities. It would do so by purchasing $75 billion per month for eight months. But that isn’t the whole […]

Asian Stocks Decline

Asian Stocks Pare Gain as Dollar Rises on Koreas, Ireland Aid By Shiyin Chen | Bloomberg.com Asian stocks pared gains and the dollar rose to a two-month high as escalating tensions in the Korean peninsula offset investor optimism over Ireland’s 85 billion-euro ($113 billion) bailout. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index was rose 0.1 percent to […]

GM says IPO grows to $23.1 billion

By Alistair Barr, MarketWatch SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — General Motors Co. said Friday that its public offering grew to $23.1 billion after underwriters exercised their rights to buy a big chunk of the auto maker’s stock. GM (GM $33.80, +0.32, +0.96%) announced that the underwriters exercised in full their overallotment options to purchase an additional 71.7 […]